Design Microservices in Marketplace PT XYZ Using Rapid Application Development (RAD)
PT XYZ, is a growing marketplace, located in West Jakarta, stakeholders in the company are in the process of migrating from monolithic to system architecture that is reliable and flexible to change. This study aims to design the microservice into the business functions and marketplace database tables of PT XYZ using RAD. The stages start from Requirements Planning, User Design, Construction, and Cutover. The results of each stage are expected, PT XYZ's marketplace can be more reliable and flexible to changes (requirements changes).
How to Cite
Arie Handoko, Teguh Sugiyono, Andi Ali Zainal Abidin, Sfenrianto. (2020). Design Microservices in Marketplace PT XYZ Using Rapid Application Development (RAD). International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(04), 7523 -. Retrieved from