Revealing of Brain Disease Neuroimage using Morphological Processing

  • Kulkarni Sheetal V., S. Poornapushpakala


Medical image processing is a vital tool preferred for the analysis of brain disorders from the neuroimages. Number of modalities are available such are CT, X-ray, MRI, PET, SPET. Analysis of neuroimages has become easy from image processing tools in turn the diagnosis of brain disorder has become easier. The performance of proposed system tested on Harvard Medical School dataset. Understanding of human brain functioning is a complex task and diagnosing of any brain disorder is more challenging  task, then we  need  a tool which provide the solution of these issues.  Significance of this research work is to facilitate medical practitioner for diagnosing the brain tumour. This proposed method gives the efficient diagnosing MR neuroimages  of brain tumour images. Also this paper focuses on existing state-of-the-artwork done in field of MR brain tumour and its future scope.

How to Cite
Kulkarni Sheetal V., S. Poornapushpakala. (2020). Revealing of Brain Disease Neuroimage using Morphological Processing. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(04), 7230 -. Retrieved from