Heart Disease Analysis and Prediction Using Deep Neural Networks and Big Data Analytics

  • Dinesh Manikandan, Arjun Manoj Skl., Sarvin Ss., Jasmine Gilda A.


The Deep Learning Project is to detect whether a person has heart issue or not. We are using Feed Forward Neural Network model trained with Cleveland heart disease dataset obtained from Kaggle datasets with 303 patient details containing 13 parameters related to heart. It will accurately predict based on 7 parameters obtained by decision tree algorithm with regard to 13 parameters in the dataset. The Model will also intimate you the accurate parameter in your blood or heart that will or is creating an issue against your healthy heart. It will also provide suggestions to reduce the ill effects and to maintain your heart healthy. 

How to Cite
Dinesh Manikandan, Arjun Manoj Skl., Sarvin Ss., Jasmine Gilda A. (2020). Heart Disease Analysis and Prediction Using Deep Neural Networks and Big Data Analytics. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(04), 7138 -. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/28121