Anti-Islanding Detection Systems Using Artificial Neural Network
With the increased interest of distributed generation units connectedwith grid in DG and renewable energy, micro-grids have growing attention in recent years. There are various challenges in the operation with micro-grids such as include control, protection and planning. One important topic is `the detection of the islanding betweenthe micro-grid and gridthat connected to islanded mode. The islanding discovery is an vitaltaskfor engineers. Manymethodssuch as passive and active technique.Activemethod isconcerned to impactquality. The method of passive control scheme with near zero Non-Detection Zone (NDZ)and using artificial neural network to replace conventional controller. The gain is to detect the changes in the valueatPointof Common Coupling(PCC) voltage after islanding condition. the goal of all islanding methods is to reduction the non-detection zone and to be nearly to zero with replacing the conventional controller with artificial neural network.