Multi Rated Sentiment Mining on Movie Reviews with User Preference Features

  • Dr. T. M. Saravanan , N. Prakash, K. Selvambal, K. Arthikha, S. Monika


            The sentiment mining is applied to analyze the reviews to extract sentiments and its score values. The sentiment analysis is the classification of the documents with its polarity levels. The sentiment analysis is carried out to predict the opinion about the organizations, services, individuals and events from the user reviews. The sentiment analysis is also called as opinion mining. Document level, sentence level and aspect level analysis methods are used in the sentiment mining. The entire document sentiment is extracted under the document level analysis. The sentiment for each sentence is derived under the sentence level analysis. The aspect level analysis is focused on the extracted entities and associated sentiment scores.

            The Internet is served as a powerful source of information for products and services with blogs and social Medias. The lexical and machine learning based methods are applied to predict sentiments from the reviews. The lexical analysis model uses the domain specific dictionary for the sentiment analysis. The words and its associated sentiment polarity levels are maintained under the dictionary.

The machine learning methods uses the classification techniques for the sentiment analysis. The words and its frequency values are used to construct the feature vector. The labeled reviews are used to train the classification model. The Support Vector Machine (SVM) based classification method analyzes the feature vector for sentiment prediction process.

            The movie review analysis is performed with multiple rating based mechanisms. The NGRAM model is integrated with sentiment analysis process. Term count relationship based model is replaced with Term Frequency and Inverse Document Frequency (TFIDF) based weight model. The user preference like actor, director and music director are considered in the sentiment analysis process.

How to Cite
Dr. T. M. Saravanan , N. Prakash, K. Selvambal, K. Arthikha, S. Monika. (2020). Multi Rated Sentiment Mining on Movie Reviews with User Preference Features. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(3), 11053 - 11059. Retrieved from