Improving The Security of IoT Devices using Attribute Based-Encryption and Decryption
Over a few years the communication over the internet is the vital mode of communication as it is easy, fast and can transmit the information from a city to another city or other countries as well. Thus the internet supporting devices like mobile, personal computer, tablet are mandatory to transmit the information from one place to another irrespective of the size of data being transmitted. But we know that the information which is being transferred between two persons is not only between the two persons only. The information transmitted on the internet enable devices are not limited to the sender and receiver’s end it is getting saved on the internet too. Hence, the privacy and security is the main aspect of this project. In this paper, we have introduced an attribute-based encryption (ABE) scheme which increases the data security, confidentiality on IoT devices and the storage, computation and communication cost required by this scheme is less. This algorithm has been simulated on MATLAB software where we are using the numeric attribute for encryption and decryption of information.