Effect of social media sites on student’s engagements and achievements

  • Safwat Al Tal, Prof. Safwan al Salaimeh


Social networking sites across the Internet are plentiful, diverse and easily accessible to students and teachers alike, and can be used to raise the level of education. Where teachers go to the world of social networks online for educational purposes.

The media did not have the same societal character as it is now, and were not as reliable as they are now, especially for educational purposes. But since the past decade, there has been an increasing demand in the educational aspect after the entry of educational mail to schools.

Today, all social media across the Internet, such as participation, collaboration, creativity, average achievement and academic achievement, are being reviewed. The results of this study indicate that although there are many research methods that indicate positive and negative results, there is no conclusive evidence, whether on or against the impact of participation on achievement. In general, participation in the Internet has a positive relationship with student participation, but it has a negative relationship with the student.

How to Cite
Safwat Al Tal, Prof. Safwan al Salaimeh. (2020). Effect of social media sites on student’s engagements and achievements. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(7), 12516 - 12520. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/27945