Desıgn and Development of Smart Glove Assıstant usıng Gestures

  • Sharanya S, Ashwin K, Anish Agarwal, Akilesh A


Verbal communication has been the single most important factor that has helped humans connect with each other much deeper. But there is a barrier of speech for the speech impaired people who can’t use verbal communication as a means of communication. The aim of our work is to develop a smart glove to help them break the communication barrier. The smart glove uses a PIC microcontroller board and is fitted with flex sensors to detect movement parameters. The sensor gives an analog value to the microcontroller based on which a speech output is selected from different speech outputs stored.  The smart glove has three different modes on which it can function. When the glove is on the first mode, which is also the default mode, the speech is generated based on the movement of the fingers. When the glove is on the second mode,different home appliances can be controlled with movement of the fingers. To implement this, RF transmitter and receiver module has been used which communicates between the system and the appliances. The third mode includes a feature which sends SMS based on the finger movement. The SMS mode is turned ON by press of the SMS mode button, after the SMS mode is turned on, the message from the speech impaired is decoded using the flex values  and is sent as a SMS to the selected contact using the GSM module..

How to Cite
Sharanya S, Ashwin K, Anish Agarwal, Akilesh A. (2020). Desıgn and Development of Smart Glove Assıstant usıng Gestures. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(7), 11991 - 12001. Retrieved from