Commercıal Informalıty: analysis of the occupation of public space in a sector of Villavicencio city (Meta Colombia)

  • Castro-Garzón, Hernando, Rodríguez Miranda, Juan Pablo, Rivas Trujillo, Edwin


Through a descriptive- type mixed study, applied to informal merchants settled in the sector of San Isidro neighborhood in the municipality of Villavicencio, Meta, Colombia; an analysis based on the variables determined by the theoretical arguments was performed, adapting them in a quantitative tool applied to the 82 street vendors counted. Information was collected in 100% of the determined population; variable crossing to establish the relationship for causalities as to stay in the area, despite the fact that the municipal government carried out a relocation program. As a result, labor autonomy, the level of income, as well as the age ratio are the determining factors in the constant occupation of public space in the area.

How to Cite
Castro-Garzón, Hernando, Rodríguez Miranda, Juan Pablo, Rivas Trujillo, Edwin. (2020). Commercıal Informalıty: analysis of the occupation of public space in a sector of Villavicencio city (Meta Colombia). International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(7), 11859 - 11865. Retrieved from