An Automatic Framework to Convert Component Based Serial Code to Parallel Code for GPU Processor

  • Sampath Korra, Dr.D.Vasumathi, Dr.A.Vinaya Babu


Software module serial and parallel codes are used to reduce the delivery time and increase parallel processing time. Most of the recent software developments are applying parallel processing of the source code. The parallel processing of the source code is not only the responsibility of hardware or GPU. The source codes are also to be written in a specific form using the parallel processor. At the same time, the utilization of the software codes is to be considered along with the control flow of the software codes. The use of GPUs is introduced to improve the speed of software execution. A good number of parallel research attempts are carried out to convert the serial code into a parallel code, but this needs a very high knowledge of programming. Hence, this paper attempts to build an automatic framework to convert software component based serial code to parallel to be incorporated into the parallel applications without losing the benefits of component-based and from parallel processing of software codes. The proposed novel automated code conversion framework demonstrates a around 97% reduction of code execution time.     

How to Cite
Dr.A.Vinaya Babu, S. K. D. (2019). An Automatic Framework to Convert Component Based Serial Code to Parallel Code for GPU Processor. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 28(18), 545 - 564. Retrieved from