Policy Implementation: Aspects of Accuracy in Implementation and Environment in the Aviation Operations Safety Area (KKOP)

  • Munawir Khairil Anwar, Juanda Nawawi, Rakhmat, Nurdin Nara


This study aims to analyze the implementation of policies in the Aviation Operations Safety Area (KKOP) at Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport, in particular, the Aspects of Implementation Accuracy and Environmental Accuracy. The approach in this research is qualitative research. The focus of this research is the accuracy of policies in the implementation of policy activities and the ccuracy of the targets for the implementation of other activities in the Aviation Operations Safety Area (KKOP) at Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport. The results showed the obstacles faced by the actors in the supervision and control of other activities in the form of laser attacks and unmanned free balloons in the Aviation Safety Safety Area (KKOP) of Hasanuddin International Airport Makassar, namely communication and coordination between actors that needs to be maximized even though the implementation accuracy and environmental accuracy have been implemented quite well.


How to Cite
Munawir Khairil Anwar, Juanda Nawawi, Rakhmat, Nurdin Nara. (2020). Policy Implementation: Aspects of Accuracy in Implementation and Environment in the Aviation Operations Safety Area (KKOP). International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(08), 5125-5131. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/27747