A Study on The Perception of Diversity and Inclusiveness Between Leaders & Employees in Global Organization with Reference to It Sector

  • Mrs. M. Kanaga Dr. K. Uthayasuriyan


Inclusive management and leadership is an immersive and impactful one-day seminar that creates changes in attitude and rapid behavioral change to promote positive personal and organizational growth. A process involving all participants in a decision-making process includes teaching, non-teaching, students, members Industry representatives and other relevant stakeholders are often used as euphemism for inclusive growth in diversity. "We strive to diversify our top management" instead of working to ensure that our top management positions include more women and people of color. The distinction could be self-evident, such as national origin, age, race and ethnicity, religion / belief, sex, material status, and socioeconomic status, or more implicit, such as educational background, training, industry, experience, organizational tenure, even temperament, such as introverts and extroverts. A total of 254 and returned forms. Due to the high number of unanswered items, nine questionnaires exclude. Therefore, 236 IT forms were included in the analysis. On the other hand, in addition to culture and temperament, ethnicity and religion are critical factors for assessing personal contacts in the social setting. Diversity, as expected, can lead to communication issues and conflicts, while a lack of this issue is seen as the main advantage of a homogeneous group. Results cannot be generalized, but this research can be seen as an attempt to lay the groundwork for detailed research in organizations on diversity issues in the future.

Keyword:. Diversity Perception, Diversity in groups, Inclusion, Global Organization.

How to Cite
Dr. K. Uthayasuriyan, M. M. K. (2019). A Study on The Perception of Diversity and Inclusiveness Between Leaders & Employees in Global Organization with Reference to It Sector. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 28(19), 989 - 997. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/2763