Experimental Studies On Structural Charecteristics Of Solid Concrete Block Masonry With Partial Replacement Of Sand By Quarry Dust In Mortar

  • Ganesha Mogaveera , Vidyashree.M, Umesh S S,Sherman Jain


Now a day the construction cost is increasing because of increase in the cost of materials. Hence an attempt has been made to partially replace sand by quarry dust in a mortar, so that the cost of the construction can be reduced. The main aim of this paper is to study the effects of partial replacement of sand by Quarry Dust on the strength of solid concrete block masonry. Normally it is used in constructionaofafoundations, walls and other structural components. The mix proportion of 1:6 was used for mortar & tested for its flow value. It is observed in flow test that replacing the sand by quarry dust in different percentages like 0%, 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 30%, 35%, 40% and 50% the workability of mortar has initially decreased and further increased with increase of water content. Mortar with good workability is chosen for the construction of masonry. As the percentage of replacement increases the water-cement ratio also increases because of absorption of water. The masonry prism test and shear bond test was also conducted at 28 days for replacement of  0%,20%,25%,30% and 35% of sand by quarry dust.. It is observed that replacement of25%  sand by quarry dust in mortar posses maximum compressive and shear bond strength.

How to Cite
Ganesha Mogaveera , Vidyashree.M, Umesh S S,Sherman Jain. (2020). Experimental Studies On Structural Charecteristics Of Solid Concrete Block Masonry With Partial Replacement Of Sand By Quarry Dust In Mortar. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(7), 11023-11029. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/27517