Census and Analysıs of Traffıc Congestıon - A Case Study of Chembur, Mumbaı

  • Rashadus Sadain, Payal Hon Pawar


Traffic Census Analysis is the baseline of Transportation Engineering. All the further operations are done on the basis of this only. There are mainly four methods of Traffic Census namely Manual Method, Automatic Method, Combination of Manual and Automatic Method and Photographic Methods. All these have their advantages and disadvantages. These have different preferences according to Accuracy, ease of Documentation, Versatility and economics. One of the major components of the transportation inventory is the volume count of traffic on the study road during peak hours of the day. The temporal distribution of various modes, proportion of modal share and modal distribution for short interval of time are important data to be analyzed in the volume survey. A systematic study of traffic volume on C.G Road Chembur is carried out and result is presented in this paper. Observed traffic volume is compared with design traffic volume to know the extent of congestion during peak hour.

Keywords: Traffic congestion, Peak hour, PCU, Volume, Capacity.

How to Cite
Rashadus Sadain, Payal Hon Pawar. (2020). Census and Analysıs of Traffıc Congestıon - A Case Study of Chembur, Mumbaı. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(6s), 3865 -. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/27425