High Efficiency, Low Cost, less Weight Material Design of Solar Powered Electric Vehicle
At present, solar powered vehicle is connected as one of the essential vitality sparing vehicle where the utilization of sustainable power source found practical vitality request with decline in fuel cost and purging of environment. One of the principle zones of sustainable power source assets today is solar power. P.V cells are utilized to change over sunlight based vitality in to valuable electrical vitality. The target of this paper is to develop a productive sun oriented vehicle, with the goal that the one can travel regularly on a solid and affordable vehicle that essentially keeps running on free sustainable sun powered vitality This paper clarifies how the charge created by a variety of solar panel is gotten and its stream all through a battery bank is to be controlled utilizing a charge controller to ensure proficient putting away of in a battery pack. The put away vitality would be sustained to a BLDC motor which would run the vehicle. The mechanical development of the frame alongside all essential mechanical frameworks is shown. Finally the wiring of the electrical structure on the mechanical body is represented
Keywords: BLDC Motor, Lead Acid Battery, PWM chopper controller, Solar Panel.