Thermal Energy Storage and use of Thermal Insulation Composite light weight block as a phase change material in RCC Building
It is being notice from last few years the temperature of the atmosphere is continuously rising. Due to which it is very difficult to leave without room cooling device like air condition, Water cooler, Fan etc. In India generally in summer season it is very difficult to survive without this room cooling device. To run this device we need lot of electricity energy, this electricity is generated either in hydropower plant, Thermal power plant or non-conventional source of energy. Non-conventional source of energy is now being started to replace the hydro power and thermal power system but it will take time to replace it fully. We know that hydropower plant and thermal power plant effect the environment directly or indirectly. From last few years research is going on the topic that how we can use this thermal energy to generate an electricity and heating water. Most of the human activity is being carried out under roof surrounded by the wall either in house or in working place. This roof and wall get heated in day time and in evening this heat is transfer in the room where it is difficult to work. To retain this heat outside wall can be constructed with thermal insulation composite light weight block. Our research will be based on to make thermal insulation composite light weight block. Also as the sunrise directly expose to the surface of slab research can be done to implement some thermal insulating material over slab so that heat cannot be transfer into room. It can be seen that the model with PCM was effective in reducing the maximum outer and inner surface temperature of the roof by up to 4.7 OC and 4.6 OC respectively over the model without PCM. After deeply study we can conclude that further work can be done on PCM by using waste material like polystyrene, Urethane, cork. By using phase change material in construction the room temperature may decrease from 4oC to 5oC. This may reduce the electric bill, and thus this project will help the people to reduce over all electric bill and also it will help to leave in cool and pleasant climate. The PCM-wall could reduce 10–30% of the heating load.
Key Words:polystyrene, Urethane, cork