Legal Protection For Cyberporn Crime Victims

  • Mufti Khakim et al.


Legal protection for victims is an inseparable part of the law implementation. This paper will analyze the protection of victims of cyberporn crime. Law No. 44/2008 regulates pornography, while the crime of spreading or distributing pornographic statements through electronic media is regulated in the Information and Electronic Transaction Act, Law No. 19 of 2016, known as cyberporn crime about how does the law provide victims protection in cyberporn crime. The pornography law in the norm implementation implies a person as a criminal offender of pornography but in contrary, when the Information and Electronic Transaction law is imposed on the same person the position turns into a victim. By using a normative approach, the analysis uses descriptive qualitative methods. Cyberporn is not specifically regulated in the Electronic Information and Transaction Law, which is cyberporn is represented by the word cargo which violates decency.

How to Cite
et al., M. K. (2019). Legal Protection For Cyberporn Crime Victims. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 28(20), 362 - 365. Retrieved from