An Approach for Solving N-Queen Problem by Applying Novel Mutation Operator in Genetic Algorithm

  • Mr. Sachin Sharma


The N-Queen problem is a well-known NP-Hard problem. This problem is used in many areas of science and engineering. Genetic algorithm is a nature inspired algorithm that can solve optimization problems. N-Queen is an optimization problem in which number of attacks between the queens is to be reduced. In this paper genetic algorithm is used to solve N-Queen problem. The performance of genetic algorithm is improved by applying novel mutation operator. The experimental results ensure that the new genetic algorithm with novel mutation operator performs better.

Keywords: N-Queen problem, Genetic Algorithm, Mutation Operator

How to Cite
Mr. Sachin Sharma. (2020). An Approach for Solving N-Queen Problem by Applying Novel Mutation Operator in Genetic Algorithm. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(04), 6263 - 6268. Retrieved from