Determination Dynamics Models of Erosion Hazard Rates Based on Land Use of Simbelin Sub-Watershed in Dairi District North Sumatera Province
A research was conducted at the area of Simbelin sub-watershed in Dairi District, North Sumatra Province, during two rainy and dry seasons from November 2014 up to June 2015. The objectives of the research were are : (1) mapping locations having similar class of erosion hazard as effect of land use at each polygon of Simbelin sub-watershed , (2) to obtain accurate measurement of soil erosion method in relation with land use at the sub-watershed of Simbelin, and (3) to obtain the simulation model dynamics of soil erosion through Geographic’s Information Systems analysis for appropriate soil management relevant to land use. The research method used in this study were descriptive and explorative survey, descriptive method survey in the field by using data of interpreted maps from satellite image and other supported data, where as explorative survey was conducted by determination of soil physical properties and chemical properties by analysis of soil samples in laboratory.
Results of research showed that: (1). Levels of hazard erosion in sub-watershed of Simbelin based upon land use varied from the light to the very heavies , with very light hazard erosion at primary and secondary forests( average of 4,30 tons ha-1 y-1 and 14,32 tons ha-1 y-1), light at paddy soil (23,37 tons ha-1 y-1), medium at small plantation( 139,50 tons ha-1 y-1), heavy at settlement ( 388,66 tons ha-1 y-1), and very heavy at agro forestry and non irrigated land (568,15 tons ha-1 y-1 and 692,54 tons ha-1 y-1, respectively); (2). a. Standard erosion plot and sedimentation were accurate methods for measuring soil erosion in relatively small land area, whereas Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) was the accurate method for measuring soil erosion in wide area, b. the average erosion by using sedimentation, standard erosion plot and USLE methods were 15,93 tons ha-1 y-1; 28,56 tons ha-1 y-1, and 368,71 tons ha-1 y-1, respectively;
(3). a. Value of actual erosion measured by sedimentation or standard erosion plot was different from predicted erosion by Geographic’s Information System (GIS) analysis, namely 15,93 tons ha-1 y-1; 28,56 tons ha-1 y-1 , and 339,54 tons ha-1 y-1, respectively, b. Dynamic analysis models used for measuring soil erosion in wide areas..
Keywords: nynamic models, erosion, land use.