Traffic Control Management System On The Basis Of Traffic Density

  • B.Revathi ,D.Anand, Lakshmi SarvaniVidela, Dr K.Pushpalatha,DrD.Haritha


 All metropolitan cities face traffic congestion issues particularly in the downtown territories. Typical urban areas can be changed into "savvy urban areas" by abusing the data and communication technologies (ICT). The worldview of Internet of Thing (IOT) can assume a vital job in acknowledgment of shrewd urban communities. This paper propose an IOT created traffic the board answers for savvy urban communities and toward organize with rescue vehicle driver to locate the flag status and choose the method where traffic stream can be powerfully controlled and petty criminal offenses are been recognized by on location traffic officers through midway observed or measured over Internet. Anyway the plan suggested is general and can be exploited in any Metropolitan city without the loss of all inclusive statement. On the off chance that any rescue vehicle will come on a flag, it will demonstrates the green way for that emergency vehicle and rest of ways are red. In this proposal, I arranged improvement of traffic, the executives keen about the web i.e,   internet of Things (IoT). Here traffic light administration is planned also generated to assistance basic leadership of traffic constables. The structure be able to identify the clog dimension for each street crossing point dependent on thickness of vehicle through simplify of RFID technology.


How to Cite
B.Revathi ,D.Anand, Lakshmi SarvaniVidela, Dr K.Pushpalatha,DrD.Haritha. (2020). Traffic Control Management System On The Basis Of Traffic Density. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(7), 10725-10732. Retrieved from