Enhanced Twitter Sentimental Analysis Using Deep Learning Methods

  • P.Amaresh, M.Raja Suguna


 With the increase of population and the social media users a lot of data is being produced in our day to day life. Twitter is found in march 2006 proving a platform to share the information on various issues. As a lot of information is produced in the twitter major organizations are unable to process the information or the data for the better understating of the business. Sentiment analysis is important for understanding the public views, especially, when there are millions of Twitter users in world. In this paper, we propose the deep learning techniques to process and analyze the tweets to give sentiment behind the tweet posted.

How to Cite
P.Amaresh, M.Raja Suguna. (2020). Enhanced Twitter Sentimental Analysis Using Deep Learning Methods. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(7), 10632-10644. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/27258