A Research-based approach in finding the Correlation between Scientific Principles stated by Vedic Period Rishis and Modern Scientists

  • Prakash Chandra Mishra, Shakti Prasad Senapati


In this paper, a discussion has been carried out on some very valuable scientific theory and principles implemented by Indian Ancient Rishis and Munis which was later discovered by scientists. Some of these include atomic theory, principles of motions, battery generation techniques, Ayurveda, plant science, surgery, the theory of gravity, aerospace, the invention of zero, pi, theory of relativity and time, Sphericity of earth, the architectural concept in the Vedas, and motion of the earth, Chemical Engineering, Military based instruments, etc. discussed during Vedic period. Again a strong, short, and pointed correlation has been established between these scientific principles, theories with modern inventions. This paper also states how current modern laws and principles have already been stated and explained during the Indian Vedic period in the form of Sanskrit shloka and Upanishad in well-explained and logical manners that were used and credits given to other country scientists. The objective of this paper is to conveying information on the advanced technology implementation which was existed during the Indian Vedic period before long years ago and which was adopted all over the rest of the world later we accepted. The authors are also trying to convey the information related to the least negative effects of Vedic technology for living beings, earth, and atmosphere. Here, an attempt has been made for dragging out the versatility and uniquely identifiability of Indian Vedic science and technology in front of the world which is the main motto of this paper.

How to Cite
Prakash Chandra Mishra, Shakti Prasad Senapati. (2020). A Research-based approach in finding the Correlation between Scientific Principles stated by Vedic Period Rishis and Modern Scientists. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(7), 10233-10244. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/27200