A Proposed Methodology to Detect a Ransomware Attack using Deception Technique
Now a day’s network security becomes more important to organizations, government offices school and other offices. Ransomware attacks and attackers are become real treat to computer and network security. According to Computer Security Investigation / Federal bureau of Investigation that is CSI/FBI Computer crime and security survey, in 2019 approximately $3.5 million loss from ransomware attack. Also overall 2000 new ransomware types are created by attackers. So, this attack is attacker’s favorite weapon. In this paper, we focus on proposed methodology for detection of ransomware attack using deception technique that is also divided into two sub parts one is decoy deception folder technique and another one is file system tracker activity which is combined approach for detection of ransomware attack.We collect different Ransomware samples from various sites for detection process. Also live samples are created with the help of Attack Threat module of proposed system