A Multi-Mode Surveillance Robot using Image Processing
A multi-mode surveillance robot is proposed in this paper. This paper aims to present a mobile robot for household surveillance and for surveillance of areas that restricted and in need of high security .The robot at its core has the Raspberry Pi minicomputer which acts as the server and manages the different modules of the robot. On the client side will be a python GUI to remotely control the robot to trigger the various modules and receive live surveillance from the robot to the client machine. The remote connection between the client and the server will be made over secure shell protocol. The robot will comprise of an autonomous mode in which it will be able to survey the given environment using ultrasonic sensors with obstacle avoidance while simultaneously capturing frames and looking for and an intruder. The core of the surveillance comprises of the intruder-detection system using face recognition and motion detection using image processing which will detect any unknown person in its surrounding by matching the captured face with the database of the authorised person’s faces, in case no match is found on the database, an alert is sent to the client side via E-mail.