A Survey on Internet of Things (IOT), Security, characteriticsiand iiChallengesiin IOT

  • Kannu priya, Rajpreet Singh, Sukhpreet Singh


The IoT network is self-forming and decentralization network in which no central controller is present, Due to the unique property of network, there are various issue present in the network like Routing, QOS, and security, there are two types of attacks called active attack and passive attack. IoT automation is incrementing day by day as the devices connected to the internet are increasing time to time. This study explores the security aims and goals of IoT  and also discuss the IoT challenges.

Keywords: Internet of things, Attacks, security, Challenges.

How to Cite
Kannu priya, Rajpreet Singh, Sukhpreet Singh. (2020). A Survey on Internet of Things (IOT), Security, characteriticsiand iiChallengesiin IOT. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(04), 5632 - 5646. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/27052