Non-Radiating Edges Gap Coupled Microstrip Antenna for Wireless Body Area Communications
In this research, a circular microstrip patch antenna of size 40mm x 40 mm x 1.6 mm with codirectional CSRR is designed to operate at five different bands. The antenna which is proposed is designed with the help of FR4 substrate. The entire structure is simulated using computer simulation studio. The proposed antenna is having penta band operation from 2.31 GHz to 3.36 GHz with -11.86 dB, 3.89 GHz to 5.16 GHZ with -18.28 dB, 7.82 GHz to 8.64 GHz with -17.28 dB, 9.16 GHz to 9.48 GHz with -10.25 dB and 13.12 GHz to13.78 GHz with -13.28 dB as its return loss respectively. The return loss, gain, directivity, VSWR and radiation patten are simulated using CST studio and presented. The presented simulated results prove that the proposed structure is the having multiband characteristics at five different resonant frequency at 2.73 GHZ, 4.46 GHz, 7.74 GHz, 9.56 GHz and 13.55 GHz which covers the S, C, X and Ku band applications.
Keyword: Microstrip Antenna, Gap coupling, Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN), Body Area Communications, Applications, Patch Antenna.