A Review: Design & Fabrication of Semiconductor Diode Using Phase Change Material (GST) for Nanotechnology Application

  • Praveen J, Anupama JS, Ankitha CC, Bhavani S, Chaitanya A


A PN-intersection is shaped when an n-type material is intertwined with a p-type material making a semiconductor diode. The diode conducts uneven so it might be utilized for the current restricted circuit, with its applications like rectifier, over-voltage limiter, for cutting and bracing circuit, as a demodulator gadget and so on. If both sides of the intersection are made of some sort of material (for example Silicon), the gadget/intersection is called homo, and in any case, the gadget/intersection is called hetero-intersection/diode. There are 2 strategies to create a diode/intersection, i.e., doping which is favored for homo- intersections and testimony which is favored for hetero-intersection. The doping requires modern machines in that we need to diffuse or embeds some other material into silicon wafers, and afterward it will give naturally limit to the diode which goes about as an intersection. In this paper, a survey is made on different Phase Change Material (GST) used to design diode for nono technology applications.

Keywords: Hetero-junction diode, Semiconductor Diode, Phase-change material, Nono Technology.

How to Cite
Praveen J, Anupama JS, Ankitha CC, Bhavani S, Chaitanya A. (2020). A Review: Design & Fabrication of Semiconductor Diode Using Phase Change Material (GST) for Nanotechnology Application. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(08), 4869-4876. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/26819