Expertise IoT Techniques Based Power Generating Station Transformer Monitoring and Control

  • R. Giritharn, P. Venkatesh Kummar, M. Mukesh Kanna, R. Baranidharan


This paper presents the new technology of monitoring the generation of generating side transformers in a thermal power generating stations. Measure the transformer parameter like the voltage, current, frequency, temperature of oil, the status of Buchholz relay, etc, and interface with a personal computer or mobile phone via IoT devices. Mainly concentrated on transformer monitor and control lopping system ESSP32S share the information to the blynk web could the data can monitor and control with Internet of Things based modules, blynk otherwise well as RTU that means phone display. The elements required to design and verify the effectiveness of the modules using Proteus 8 software. The status of the transformer parameters are monitored through cloud computing. The foremost benefits of the proposed technology is to isolate the transformer from abrupt disturbances and easy to manage the sudden load variations.

How to Cite
R. Giritharn, P. Venkatesh Kummar, M. Mukesh Kanna, R. Baranidharan. (2020). Expertise IoT Techniques Based Power Generating Station Transformer Monitoring and Control. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(05), 13558 - 13565. Retrieved from