Rings Of Quotents With Semirings And Semigroups

  • K.Krishnarao, R.Chudamani


We present and study a theoretical class of semirings, which we call definite semirings, characterized by a Hahn–Banach-type partition property on modules. Our inspiration originates from the tropical semiring, and specifically a craving to comprehend the regularly the amazing degree to which it acts as a field. The definition of precision abstracts a basic property basic to both fields and the tropical semiring, which we accept is crucial to clarifying this likeness. The class of accurate semirings turns out to incorporate numerous other significant instances of the two rings (appropriate remainders of head perfect spaces, network rings, and limited gathering ring over these and fields), and semirings (the Boolean semiring, speculations of the tropical semiring, framework semirings what's more, bunch semirings over these).

How to Cite
K.Krishnarao, R.Chudamani. (2020). Rings Of Quotents With Semirings And Semigroups. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(7), 10047-10052. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/26671