Gods, Envıronment and Idolatry

  • Peñaranda Galvis, Vidal Fernando, Rodríguez Miranda, Juan Pablo, Gómez Aguilar, Dora Luz


The historical veracity of the discoveries is the joint construct of the solid skill needs of interpersonal relationships. Nations have their part for dimensional transformation, to the extent that they are matched in expectations of social sense and vision in professional development educational virtue.

The longings of life and coexistence are the sum of emotional emotions, understanding and anguish; an increasing reality that must seek practical, intelligent solutions for the hectic current task. Understanding and effectiveness are significant of integrity- effectiveness, in multicultural tolerance, to lead an edifying life of strategic actions, with general basic coverage, in terms of competitive structural relationships and threats in assimilable alternatives.

How to Cite
Peñaranda Galvis, Vidal Fernando, Rodríguez Miranda, Juan Pablo, Gómez Aguilar, Dora Luz. (2020). Gods, Envıronment and Idolatry. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(08), 4661 - 4666. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/26600