Effectiveness Of Demonstration On Knowledge And Practices Of Body Mechanic Technique Among Class IV Worker’s At Tertiary Care Hospital
Background of the study-All health care workers are suffering with low backpain as prevalence’s. This back pain affect on quality ofwork on the person. If the person knows the proper body mechanic techniques pain was going to reduced.All health care professionals are dealing with this work so they should follow proper body mechanic principles to prevent low back pain.
Objectives-Study investigated effectiveness ofdemonstration on Knowledge and Practices of Body Mechanic Technique among Class IV Worker’s At Krishna Hospital, Karad”.
Material and Methods-In the territory care hospital interventional study done with one group pre post design used. Self-prepared questionnaire was used which was validate by experts. Ethical permission taken and also written consent from the participant .Pre-test taken and demonstration shown and knowledge and practices observed after one week as a post test.70 samples selected as per inclusion criteria.convient sampling techniques was used.(practice score =0-4 poor practice,5-8 Average score,9-12good score and (Knowledge score -0-8 poor knowledge,9-16 Average knowledge,17-25-Good knowledge score.)
Results-In this study maximum workers are in the age group of 18-21(33%),in education secondary educations (57%), in the experiences (51%) of people aremore than 5 years of experiences,(60%) of workers are doing work in the ward.in the pre-test 50% of workers are in poor and average practice score.in the pre-test knowledge score 84% of workers are in the Average knowledge score ,in post-test 97% of workers are in Good knowledge score.in the pre-test mean, SD(11.342 ,2.766) and in the post test mean SD(20.014,1.234).per test post-test mean differences was -8.671 and paired t testP = 0.0001 highly Significant t = 24.697.in the pre-test 50% of workers are in the poor and average practice score ,in the post test (94%) of workers are in good practice score. Pre-test mean, SD (3.7, and 1.860) and post-test mean SD (10.3and 0.986) mean differences -6.6 and Paired’ test p=0.0001 Highly Significant, t=26.426.
Conclusion-Demonstration method was effective among class IV Workers for the use of proper body mechanic and it was effective to gain in knowledge score in post-test. This method helps them to prevent musculoskeletal injury as well as reduced low back pain