Effectiveness Of Information Booklet On Knowledge Of Mothers Of Under Five Children Regarding Prevention And Management Of Malnutrition

  • Alpana Sagare, Rajashri B. Karale, Surekha Patil, Pratibha Pawar, Nandkumar R. Kakade, Dr. Nutan J. Potdar, Sushama Shete


Background :Children under five year require most attention becausein this period there is rapid growth and development of children. They are  more vulnerable to malnutrition due to inadequate diet in quantity as well as quality  which  will effecting child’s physical and mental development.

Objectives:To find prevalence of malnutrition and to assess the effectiveness of information booklet on knowledge of mothers of under five children regarding prevention and management  of malnutrition&  to find out association between pretest knowledge score with  selected demographic variables..

Materials And Methods:This study was carried out among 50 mothers of under five childrenat anganwadi inMarali village of PatanTalula.After ethical approval & written informed consent from participants,  pretest conducted using structured knowledge questionnaire to assess knowledge of mothers regarding prevention & management of malnutrition.Then information booklet explained to mothers and  distributed to mothers individually. Post test was conducted after 7 days, using similar questionnaire. Data analysis done by descriptive and inferential analysis frequency,percentage,mean,SD,ChiSqure Test & ‘t’ test.

Result:Total 21(42%) children were normal & 12(24%) children were under mild malnutrition,6(12%) children’s were under moderate malnutrition & 11(22%) children were under severe malnutrition.In pre test total 6(12%) mothers had good  knowledge , 35(70%) mothers had average knowledge & 9(18%) had poor knowledge. In post test40(80%) mothers had good knowledge & 10(20%)mother had average knowledge &none of the  mother had   poor knowledge. Mean pre test knowledge was 10.44& mean post test knowledge was 16.32 .(t=10.11, p<0.05).Study results concludes that due to information booklet there wassignificant knowledge improvement among mothers regarding prevention& management of malnutrition.

Conclusion:Teaching along with information booklet is effective ,economic method of  improving the knowledge of under five children regarding prevention and management of malnutrition in Rural areas of Maharashtra.

How to Cite
Alpana Sagare, Rajashri B. Karale, Surekha Patil, Pratibha Pawar, Nandkumar R. Kakade, Dr. Nutan J. Potdar, Sushama Shete. (2020). Effectiveness Of Information Booklet On Knowledge Of Mothers Of Under Five Children Regarding Prevention And Management Of Malnutrition. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(08), 4322 - 4327. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/26559