Organızatıonal Development And Transformatıonal Change:An Organızatıonal Innovatıon Sustaınabılıty
Knowledge and study of the effect of team work on organizational innovation is still developing and becoming a current issue. This paper aims to explain how Muhammadiyah is a movement of Islamic organizations in today's turbulent business environment, with the work team's efforts having undergone organizational development and transformation as a continuous and progressive organizational innovation. The existence of the organization since its inception, which is committed to the development of education, health and literacy has responded to the challenges of the current era. With the growing number of schools from kindergartens to high schools, colleges, health services and hospitals, recently Muhammadiyah has carried out organizational development and transformational change with the implementation of business units so that it becomes a Muhammadiyah-Owned Enterprise (MOE). This research used a qualitative approach by investigating 6 Muhammadiyah-Owned Enterprises. The companies studied are presented and discussed with changes experienced by each organization