Comparative Analysis of various Techniques for Transformer Protections
This paper presents a study on various methods of transformer safety. Transformer is a stationary system that moves energy from one circuit to another, without any shift in supply frequency. High Proper protection for the safe and efficient operation of an electrical power system is necessary. Due to external fault or magnetizing inrush, the protective relay in the power transformer should prevent tripping and run quickly for internal faults. The main aim of this paper is to analyze different forms of security during internal and external fault and. Index words are - Transformer, Relay and Security. Protection of the transformer should use fast and efficient differential relay which saves the transformer or causes less harm. Relay during operations will avoid failure. This paper provides a crucial state of the art analysis of various safety systems used for safety against power transformers. The differential scheme uses variation between the currents of each phase's primary and secondary currents, along with the average of the variation between each phase's primary and secondary terminal voltages. Study of differential protection using both current and voltage ratios show that this scheme can provide fast, accurate, reliable and safe protection for power transformers.