Graphical-Plastic Techniques and the Contribution of Culture Maker to Initial Formation of Children
Today's children need to use different tools than other generations' children in their learning, incorporating playful and exploratory activities, typical of this digital age, in which they are immersed and is part of their identity. The objective of this work is to carry out an analysis of how philosophy maker can serve as a guide in carrying out graphic-plastic activities to enhance the development of creativity, interrelationships and psychomotor skills in initial training. This research was carried out using the desk research methodology, based on the review of a set of previous studies on the development of psychomotor skills using grapho-plastic techniques, to later assess the contribution that the use of philosophy can generate maker in the Psychomotor development of children when these philosophies and grapho-talk techniques are combined in preschool classrooms. Finally, it was possible to determine that the integration of graphic plastic techniques under maker spaces can allow generating greater physical and intellectual stimulation, for the creation, design and construction of pieces and artifacts, facilitating the development of psychomotor skills in children.