Differentiated block method of analysis and forecasting indicators of power consumption of the industrial complex

  • IU Rakhmonov, T H Khakimov, II Bakhadirov, B M Khusanov


Determining a more accurate forecast value of electricity consumption for industrial enterprises is
an important factor in the rational use of electric energy. For this purpose, the authors propose
the method of forecasting the electric power consumption using the differentiated block method of
analysis and forecasting of the electric power consumption indicators of the industrial complex.
The method has several advantages with comparison of the existing ones. The main advantage is
that all main and auxiliary factors influencing the electric power consumption are taken into
account when determining the predicted value of electric power consumption.

How to Cite
IU Rakhmonov, T H Khakimov, II Bakhadirov, B M Khusanov. (2020). Differentiated block method of analysis and forecasting indicators of power consumption of the industrial complex. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(7), 9314-9322. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/26406