Mathematical Modeling Of A Problem, Determination Of A Field Level Surface During Fluid Filtration

  • Qayumov Sh., Pirmatov Sh.


A mathematical model is proposed for determining the surface level of a fluid field that can be used in
the agrarian sector of agriculture. The process of changing fluid field in a porous medium is
described by a three-dimensional parabolic equation. It is shown that if this is a free surface, then by
sampling the fluid it is possible to irrigate the cluttered fields of agricultural crops and regulate the
irrigation process taking into account the volume of fluid.

How to Cite
Qayumov Sh., Pirmatov Sh. (2020). Mathematical Modeling Of A Problem, Determination Of A Field Level Surface During Fluid Filtration. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(7), 9298-9302. Retrieved from