Experimental study of the hormonal composition of the curves of the voltage regulator

  • Karimov R.Ch., Rasulov A.N., Seytmuratov B.T., Almardonov О


This article deals with the analysis of power quality indicators when using a volt-add voltage stabilizer, the
magnetizing windings of which are switched using contactless voltage relays made on the basis of
semiconductor devices, as well as the duration of the transition process when switching an active-inductive
load connected to the output of the stabilizer.

How to Cite
Karimov R.Ch., Rasulov A.N., Seytmuratov B.T., Almardonov О. (2020). Experimental study of the hormonal composition of the curves of the voltage regulator. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(7), 9245-9252. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/26386