Algorithmic And Mathematical Methods For Solving The Problem Of Calendar Planning Based On Dynamic Functioning Tables.

  • Kabulov Anvar Vasilovich, Kalandarov Ilyos Ibodullayevich, Karimov Anvar Abduvoxidovich


In small-scale and individual production, with frequent changes in the nomenclature, with
participation in the production of parts for Assembly of a large number of different sites
and workshops, where in turn there are extreme situations, it is not so much impossible to
set a single criterion for evaluating the plan, as it is impractical. The planning and
management system should be adaptive, with a changing production situation, and be able
to adapt to the situation on the site and in the production as a whole. In these conditions, it
is necessary to develop new approaches and methods to solve the problems of cladding and
management. In this paper, we consider increasing production efficiency using the first
method, implemented by managing the organization of production and operational
management of the production unit. The most important and complex task in the operational
management of a production unit is the task of scheduling. Therefore, the main task of this
management problem is the task of calendar planning. The solution of the calendar
planning problem is related to the state of a number of internal factors (organizational
structures of the placement of workers, equipment, equipment specialization) of the
organizational environment of the shop. Therefore, to successfully solve the problems of
managing production units, a complex solution of the problems of managing the
organization of production and operational management is required

How to Cite
Kabulov Anvar Vasilovich, Kalandarov Ilyos Ibodullayevich, Karimov Anvar Abduvoxidovich. (2020). Algorithmic And Mathematical Methods For Solving The Problem Of Calendar Planning Based On Dynamic Functioning Tables. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(7), 9090-9097. Retrieved from