Determınatıon Of Strength Propertıes Of Concrete Wıth Marble Powder

  • Kiran Kumar Poloju, Adesh Shill, Zahid, Abdul Rahman Al Balushi, Shadha Rashid Saif Al Maawali


Marble powder has extraordinary impact on concrete properties as it provide most extreme and workability when compared with conventional concrete. This paper discuss the advantages of utilization of marble powder in the concrete technology.  The principle point of this endeavour is to determine the practicality of consuming marble powder as substitute in concrete to get improvement in quality properties. The marble dust powder enhanced in M25 grade of concrete at (0%, 10%, 20% and 30%) by weight of concrete. Some tests has led like slump test, compression, split tensile, flexural, rebound hammer tests to check the properties of fresh concrete, and compared with traditional cement. Various sizes of moulds utilized in this examination to discover quality properties of cement. To develop a comparative thought on the strength properties of concrete, all tests were conducted after 7 & 28 days of water curing. Test outcomes demonstrate that the exhibition of pressure and split tensile just as in durability are improved and said 20% substitution is ideal

How to Cite
Kiran Kumar Poloju, Adesh Shill, Zahid, Abdul Rahman Al Balushi, Shadha Rashid Saif Al Maawali. (2020). Determınatıon Of Strength Propertıes Of Concrete Wıth Marble Powder. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(08), 4004-4008. Retrieved from