Performance Analysis Of 1x2 Corporate Fed RMSA Array With Feed At Radiating Slot

  • Shaik Thasleem Bhanu,Dr. M. Sathish, Shanmugapriya P ,Helan Vidhya T


This paper propound an unique design and performance research of a corporate-feed MSA array(the array axis along the radiating slot of the aerial). The design uses flame retardant glass epoxy substrate (FR4) having a thickness (h) of 1.6mm, loss tangent (tan⁡δ) of 0.02 and a value of 4.4 as relative permittivity (ε_r). The pretences are done using HFSS by Ansoft. The aerial is design to resonate at 2GHz.  This present work is concentrated on providing a great support to the increasing medical applications using MSAs

How to Cite
Shaik Thasleem Bhanu,Dr. M. Sathish, Shanmugapriya P ,Helan Vidhya T. (2020). Performance Analysis Of 1x2 Corporate Fed RMSA Array With Feed At Radiating Slot. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(08), 3845-3853. Retrieved from