Needs Analysis as the Method of Teaching Translation: A Case in Universities in Sukoharjo, Indonesia

  • Purwani Indri Astuti, Giyatmi, Joko Suryono, Muamaroh


The aim of the research is to explore the information about teaching translation used in the private universities in Sukoharjo. This research was related to its method through a needs analysis model offered by Altschuld and Witkin (1995). This research belongs to qualitative research and to do so, the researcher did some review of related literature and conducting a documentary analysis. In this case, the researcher chose the issue from different point of views. Besides that, the researcher gave questionaire and also did interview to some informants. The researcher took sample of informants purposively with the criteria of English translation lecturers, English students, and graduate user. The data from interview and questionaire were analyzed by using interactive model by Miles and Huberman. Based on the data analysis, it can be concluded that the private universities inSukoharjo still use the old method and materials in teaching translation. They use them because they still emphasize on the correctness of structure and grammar. Besides that, there were some recommendations to the lecturers to conduct for curriculum renewal based on the need analysis model adopted.

How to Cite
Purwani Indri Astuti, Giyatmi, Joko Suryono, Muamaroh. (2020). Needs Analysis as the Method of Teaching Translation: A Case in Universities in Sukoharjo, Indonesia. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(05), 13327-13333. Retrieved from