Ecranization as an Alternative Media in Literature Learning

  • Farida Nugrahani, Ali Imron A.M


The purpose of this study is to describe ecranization as an alternative media in learning literature. As for what is meant with ecranization is a film produced based on literature. This study uses descriptive qualitative methods. Data was collected by document analysis techniques, interviews, and observation. The sources are documents, informant, and events. Data analysis is done inductively with interactive models. The results showed that in this information technology era, ecranization is an alternative media for learning literature that is in demand, because it penetrates the boundaries of space and time. Through ecranization,   students can learn literary theory, text content and analysis, outside the classroom with their own language and conventions. Through the help of lightning, music, and camera angles, students easily capture story messages, which might be complicated if understood through the original text. Nevertheless, learning literature through ecranization required the ability of strong narrative analysis, because there is no flexibility in revealing the elements of the story as the original text. In addition, the director often creates different effects from the original text, as part of the expectation horizon of each of the appreciators. In that condition, it is needed to have teachers who are able to explain the differences between those two.

How to Cite
Farida Nugrahani, Ali Imron A.M. (2020). Ecranization as an Alternative Media in Literature Learning. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(05), 13311-13318. Retrieved from