Word Wall Media: An Effective Teaching Technique to Enrich Students' Vocabulary in Secondary Level of Education
It is widely accepted that vocabulary is an essential language micro-skill to possess among Indonesian learners of English to be able to communicate in English as a foreign language. However, many Indonesian learners of English still find it difficult to acquire and develop this micro-skill. The difficulty can be seen from the learners' inability to memorize and use English vocabulary when communicating in English. This research attempts to apply word wall media as a technique for overcoming the learners' difficulty in mastering English vocabulary, especially those who learn English in the second grade of Islamic Junior High School Darul Arqam Ponrewaru. This study uses collaborative Classroom Action Research (CAR) in which the data are derived from two data collection instruments, i.e., a vocabulary test and observation sheets are given to 23 respondents. The results of this study indicate that the students' vocabulary is increased after being taught using the technique. The vocabulary development takes place due to the increase of the learners' achievement is the vocabulary test average scores. In the first cycle, the learners achieve a 65.43 average score. 12 out of 23 students or 52.17% achieve the average score. In the second cycle, the average score then increases to 80.86 average scores. 20 out of 23 students or 86.95% achieve this score.