Long-term social issue analysis using news articles for more than 10 years’social issuein south Korea

  • Najung Shin
  • Sungjun Kim
  • Jangmook Kang


Background/Objectives:The existing social issueresearch focuses on each problem, so wewill look at thefeatures of longterm social issue based on the social issue itself.
Methods/Statisticalanalysis:In order to examine the features of social issue, select threesocial issues.
Examples youth unemployment, poverty of the elderly people, Low birth rate that lasted for0more than 10 years. First, crawl the news articles of Naver portal only 100 titles per month. After the crawl, analyze it using sentimental analysis.
Findings:With the exception of some periods, the negative rates higher than positive rates. Specifically, all three keywords showed a positive sign of less than 65 percent of the total period on a negative basis.
Improvements/Applications:Unlike traditional long-term social issue research, there is a difference in identifying and defining the features of new social issue as graphs.


How to Cite
Shin, N., Kim, S., & Kang, J. (2019). Long-term social issue analysis using news articles for more than 10 years’social issuein south Korea. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 28(3), 17 - 24. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/259