Electronic review of appeals of individuals and legal entities in the conditions of a pandemic (on the example of the bodies of the prosecutor’s office)
This article analyzes the existing shortcomings in the activities of prosecution bodies of the Republic of Uzbekistan on work with references of physical and legal persons in electronic manner, concrete proposals for the acceptance and consideration of electronic applications of citizens in a pandemic, the development of the sphere of work of bodies of Prosecutor's office with electronic applications.
Key words: electronic appeals, prosecution bodies, consideration of electronic appeals in the conditions of a pandemic
How to Cite
Sherzod Zokirov. (2020). Electronic review of appeals of individuals and legal entities in the conditions of a pandemic (on the example of the bodies of the prosecutor’s office). International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(05), 12862-12868. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/25888