Modern Electric Wheelchair with Health Monitoring System Using LabVIEW
In present scenario the people in are willing to work independently, with their natural challenges that are facing. Physically disable persons depends on someone to do their requirements and the measure of chances of these people to go and interconnect with the outside world is very slightly, unless they are provided with modern moving tools such as a Wheelchair. The proposed system provides an optimal solution to move from place to place by using the infrared sensor attached to electric wheelchair which incorporate the line of sight technology and can perform various modes of operation which helps the physically disable persons to live independently. The wheelchair is equipped with various sensors to monitor the real time health condition measurement of the person, to monitor the surrounding weather conditions, needy buttons and using GSM, message will be received by concerned person about the status of person sitting on wheelchair. The proposed system is implemented using LabVIEW and NI myRIO.
Keywords: Infrared sensor, Pulse sensor, Temperature sensors, GSM, Solar panel, NI myRIO.