Intelligent Railway Track Cleaning Robot with Waste Segregation
In India, railway transportation is one of the important transportation. Due to population most of the peoples use railway transportation for their daily activates. Now this type of transportation is developed day by day. The government is also taking various steps to develop this department through various technologies. Millions of peoples using this railway transport. But wastage disposal is the major problem in railway department. Now this current situation human wastage and solid wastages are disposed by human beings only. So, immediate solution is needed to remove the wastages from railway tracks. Because of that the cleaning peoples are affected various hygienic problems. To avoid this problem in this research proposed a new automatic robot is used to clean the rail way track. In this current digital world most of the machines are run in automatically. This automatic cleaning robot is constructed by using special wheels, enhanced sweeper roller etc. This proposed robot definitely provides the better solution compared with an existing system.