Facial Analysis for Real Time Profiling Using Machine Learning
The lie detection system is based on the micro- expressions and Eye Blinks of the deceptive which uses the Facial Landmark Detection System in OpenCV Tool-Kit. The system will monitor the movements of the facial muscles and eye blinking while the deceptive answers some questions. The Eye opening in each frame is calculated using EAR. This proposes a method of using human behaviors to detect lies using Machine learning
How to Cite
Dr.O.Pandithurai , Dr. Jayashree D, Chinta Sujeeth, Karthikram N,Chinta Sandeep. (2020). Facial Analysis for Real Time Profiling Using Machine Learning. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(7s), 4829 - 4834. Retrieved from http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/25751