A Comparative Study to Assess the Level of Job Satisfaction among the Nursing Professionals Working in Certain Hospitals & Academic Institutions at Asir Region, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Various research studies shows that the level of job satisfaction which were directly affects the professional nursing performance quality in both hospital health care field and also in academic educational institutions functions. Therefore, as an academic nursing professional working in Applied Medical Science College For Females , Alnamas, University Of Bisha under Ministry of Education, I wish to do a comparative research study to assess the job satisfaction of nursing professionals working in hospitals under Ministry Of Health & nursing professionals working in academic institutions under Ministry of Education at Asir region, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. I hope this study helps me to understand the job satisfaction among nursing professionals in hospital sector and academic institution sector, also it helps the organizations authority or management to know about the level of job satisfaction of their employees which helps in the quality development of the organizations. Comparative descriptive research design used in this study Study conducted in certain hospital under Ministry Of Health and certain academic institution under Ministry Of Education at Asir region, Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia. Population were nursing professionals working in certain hospital under Ministry Of Health and certain academic institution under Ministry Of Education at Asir region, Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia. After getting permission from concerned authorities, researcher explained the purpose of the study to nursing professionals working in hospital under Ministry Of Health and academic institution under Ministry Of Education through telephone and after obtaining their telephonic consent the questionnaire distributed through email and data will be collected. The sample selected by using convenient sampling technique. The sample size of the study constitutes 80 nursing professionals working in hospital under Ministry Of Health and academic institution under Ministry Of Education(n=80). Based on the objectives the tool used for the research study was Job Satisfaction Scale to assess the job satisfaction of nursing professionals. Data analyzed according to the objectives of the study using descriptive and inferential statistics. The study findings revealed that the distribution of job satisfaction level among the nursing professionals working in hospital under ministry of health. The majority of our group expressed average level of job satisfaction (52.50 %) while very high level of job satisfaction was 7.50%, high level of job satisfaction was 22.50% , low level of job satisfaction was 12.50% and very low level of job satisfaction level was 5% . The distribution of job satisfaction level among the nursing professionals working in academic institutions under ministry of education expressed average level of job satisfaction (57.50 %) while very high level of job satisfaction was 17.50%, high level of job satisfaction was 17.50% , low level of job satisfaction was 5% and very low level of job satisfaction level was 2.50%.The study compared the job satisfaction of nursing professionals working in hospital under ministry of health and nursing professionals working in academic institution under ministry of education and the findings revealed that both group is having average level of job satisfaction. The findings also revealed that there was significant association between job satisfaction level and education of the participant, Working Sector, Total Years Of Experience, Current Job Designation, Year of experience in current institution/hospital, Monthly Salary. But there is no association between job satisfaction level and age, gender, citizenship, marital status. I hope this study has great significance concerning the role and the way to enhance the participation of nursing professionals with job satisfaction therapeutic patient care, diagnose and treatment and also benefits the nursing students, also the result may have great significance for policy makers to solve the problem.